Episode 5

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed:  Get on with it.  We all know the tune.)

Lillian:  Pour me a large one, Jolene daahling, I’ve got both hands round this little beast.

Eddy:  That’s not the ferret, Lillian, that’s ...

Ruth:  Aaawww noaaa David, it’s not Justin comin’ in, it’s Matt Crawford.  Where’s he bin all these years ?

Matt:  ‘ello, Pusscat.  I see nothing much has changed with you.  Still got yer ‘ands down some fella’s trousers.

Lillian:  Of all the gin joints in all the villages in all of Borsetshire, Tiger walks into mine.

Matt:  I’ve got this new scheme to make us rich quick.  Can’t fail.  Invest all of Justin’s cash and run away with me!

Lillian:  Pour him a large one, Jolene.

Matt:  Here’s looking at you, kid.

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum ...

(Ed:  Stop playing that bloody tune, Sam ! )


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