Episode 8

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum

Jolene:  Hello Shula, long time no see.  What can I get you ?

Shula:  Oh well, I’d really like a large glass of white wine but because I’m trying to become a vicar I suppose I should have an orange juice.

Jolene:  Suit yourself but do you really see your future in this godforsaken soap ?

(Ed:  Steady on.  We are trying to attract a new audience, not put them off !)

Jolene:  Its not a great storyline if you stop drinking and join the church !  Talking of bores, we hardly ever hear from that Reverend Alan fella anymore.  Or his lovely wife, Usha, who hates you.

Shula:  it’s not my fault, Jolene.  They have given me some really dull storylines recently.  I remember the days when I was shagging Neil Carter, then having to put up with Mark’s ghastly mother, Bunty (Ed. - wasn’t that a girls’ comic ?) and having an affair with Richard the village doctor who nobody ever had to see because everybody is so bloody healthy.  And I had first go at Nigel Pargetter !

Jolene:  Impressive.

Shula:  In those days I never turned down a gin or a pizza and now look at me ( sobbing noises).

Jolene:  Now now, Shula, don’t upset yourself.  There are lots of people who come into this pub who haven’t had anything like the life you’ve had.  You’ve still got your memories ...

Shula:  Pour me a large one, Jolene.

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum

(Editor:  I’m giving her six months at most).


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