Episode 13

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum ...

Jolene:  You know, Lilian, there are plenty reasons to love living in Ambridge.  You never hear of anyone having toothache or having to wait three weeks for a doctor’s appointment.  Isn’t that amazing ?

Lilian:  I know, it’s great.  My favourite thing, dahling, is never having to go to the hairdresser unless I take Mum when I need an excuse for an assignation ...

Jolene:  Yeah it’s amazing that, apart fromPeggy, none of the women get their hair cut or coloured - even Tom’s new wife and she’s a real looker.  People round here go to prison but never go to the supermarket.

Lilian:  I know, dahling, it’s fantastic.  And apparently the rest of the country is in lockdown.  People can’t go to the pub or meet up with friends or go clothes shopping or even, not that’s it’s something I’ve ever done, go to work !

Jolene (under her breath) Yeah, cause you’ve usually got a rich bloke to keep you.

Lilian:  And people are having to queue to get in to Waitrose !

Jolene:  I’ve heard those stories too.  But of course there are some people who say we don’t live in the real world.

Lilian:  Now that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.  Pour me a large one, Jolene !

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum ...

(Ed.  Time we had an AA storyline.  And I don’t mean cars).


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