Episode 52 (the missing link)

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

Snowball:  I’m beginning to wish we’d gone off with those horses last week.

Napoleon:  Why do you say that, comrade ?

Snowball:  Well, now that Neil has resigned and Harridan Hannah is in charge, it’s more like a boot camp than a holiday camp.

Napoleon:  Neil certainly had the more agreeable personality but I’m not sure he was cut out for senior management, comrade.

Snowball:  That’s true, but he did let us rootle around in the fields and do a bit of wallowing in the mud,  Hannah has us penned up in the sheds most of the day being poked and prodded and going on about feed conversion ratios. She should try eating that swill !  No wonder there’s an outbreak of tail biting.  If she had a tail I’d bite it.

Napoleon:  Be patient, comrade.  I have plans for this little farm of ours, indeed for the whole village, and I can’t have my leadership challenged by two horses and a donkey.  Now what am I always telling you ?

Snowball:  All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.

Napoleon:  Exactly, and that means pigs!  Now run along and tell the rest of the comrades that there will be a Central Committee meeting at 8pm.  Any latecomers will be first in line for the sausage machine.

Snowball:  At your command, comrade.  Anything else ?

Napoleon:  Yes, have we got any of that cider left ?   I could murder a drink.   And put that mobile away, we don’t want to peak too soon.

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed.  Is Lilian related to Napoleon by any chance?)


  1. I knew we could count on Snowball and Napoleon


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