Episode 64

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(mobile ring tone)

Shula:  Hello, Ambridge Stables, Shula speaking.

Jill:  Oh, Shula, thank goodness you answered the phone.  I’ve been trying to get hold of you all afternoon.

Shula:  Sorry, Mum, I had an unexpected riding lesson with a new client.  He has very soft hands and an excellent position so I’ve booked him in for next week.

Jill:  You haven’t eaten that cake yet, have you ?

Shula:  Oh yes, Mum, it was fantastic.  I was going to ring and ask if I could have some more.

Jill:  Certainly not.  It’s something I’ve been making just for Leonard.  You didn’t give it to anyone else did you ?

Shula:  Well, yes I did.  Jakob came round and it seemed only polite as I was having tea when he arrived.

Jill:  Oh no, what happened ?

Shula:  Something I’m not prepared to speak to my mother about, or the bishop.

Jill:  Oh, this is awful.  And where is Jakob now ?

Shula:  He said that Peggy’s pussy was next on his schedule so he’s off to The Lodge.

(loud thud and phone goes dead)

Shula:  Mum, Mum !  What do you mean it’s just for Leonard ?

Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed.  Good luck talking your way out of this, Jill Archer.)


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