Episode 67

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

Jennifer:  Oh, Lilian,  I can’t tell you how upset I am.

Lilian:  You will need to try, daahling, as I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Jennifer:  I have never been so humiliated.

Lilian:  I doubt that, daahling.  You have been married to Brian for nearly 40 years and he has made a habit of it.

Jennifer:  How did I fall for the charm, the style, the apparent love for me ?

Lilian:  Years of practise, daaahling.

Jennifer:  How could I be so stupid not to see through the lies and deception ?

Lilian:  See my previous answer.  But what on earth has happened now ?

Jennifer:  When I got back to Home Farm this morning after shopping in Borchester - saw a lovely dress which would be perfect for Ascot - I found four big men at the door.

Lilian:  Lucky old you, daahling.  It’s been a while since I had four men queuing at my door.

Jennifer:  Oh do stop it !  These men were bailiffs.  Jo hasn't paid the rent and she has disappeared.  And so have my handbags !

Lilian:  Oh my God !  As Jazzer would say, your bottom is completely out of the window !

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed.  You can tell Lilian was born in a pub.)


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