Episode 85

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

Brian:  How did you get on with Jo last night ?  Did you get your wicked way ?

Jennifer:  Please don’t be so coarse, Brian.  I was not out to get my wicked way, I went to regain my rightful property.

Brian:  And did you ?  Regain your property ?

Jennifer:  Don’t rush me, I’m still in shock.

Brian:  What on Earth happened ?  I can’t wait to hear.

Jennifer:  I bet you can’t, you were hoping it would go wrong.

Brian:  Now that’s not fair, Jenny, I know how much those handbags mean to you.

Jennifer:  You mean you know how much they cost you !

Brian:  Oh come on, tell me what happened.

Jennifer:  Well, I turned up expecting nothing more than a cocktail...

Brian:  Doesn’t sounds very likely given her predilections.

Jennifer:  I will ignore that remark.  Anyway, the table was set for supper which was nice.

Brian:  Very civilised.

Jennifer:  It then became very uncivilised.  She had the cheek to produce stoat tartare as the main course !  She had claimed to be a vegan, turned up her nose at my venison sausages and then it turns out that she would probably have been happy eating with Eddie Grundy and Fat Paul !

Brian:  Oh I don’t think so, Jenny, ferrets are like family to the Grundys.  They wouldn’t eat their own relatives.   Anyway, you can’t talk  - you were stuffing a hedgehog the other day.  Who were you going to serve that to ?

Jennifer:  Well, Susan Carter, actually.  It might put her off coming to supper with us again.

Brian:  Excellent idea.  But what about the handbags ?

Jennifer:  I managed to grab the Birkin as I ran out the door but had to leave the Ferragamos behind.  You will just have to buy me some new ones !

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed.  Alice will be pleased when she sobers up.)


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