Episode 104

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

Jennifer:  Oh hello, Kate.  I didn’t know you were popping in this morning.

Kate:  Well, it’s just a quick visit, Mum.  I have to be at the vet’s surgery first thing to cover Jakob’s phone.

Jennifer:  Cover his phone ?  Isn’t there a receptionist or a messaging system ?

Kate :  Not for the kind of calls he gets from the loose women of Ambridge.  And the worst of them all is your mother - she’s turned into a nonagenarian sex pest, forever phoning about her pussy and offering to take Jakob to Las Vegas.

Jennifer:  Mum ?  You cannot be serious !

Kate:  I am deadly serious and unless she stops I will be making a formal complaint to the police.

Jennifer:  Please don’t do that, darling.  My brief has only just persuaded the police to drop the charges against me.  If another member of the family is accused of  sexual misconduct who knows where this will end.  What will the Ladies Lunch Club say ?

Kate:  Well you need to do something, Mum, she’s now talking about changing her will.  How are we ever going to get Home Farm back if she cuts us out in favour of Jakob ?  Much as I love him, I don’t want him getting the family cash.

Jennifer:  This is appalling !  What are we going to do ?

Kate:  We need help from the most cunning and immoral person we know.

Jennifer: (shouts)  Brian !  Could you come downstairs, please ?

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed:  Cometh the hour, cometh the man.)


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