Episode 108

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

Eddie:  ‘Ello  Clarrie, luv, ‘ow was work today ?

Clarrie:  Just the usual Eddie, ten ‘ours slavin in the dairy at minimum wage and Susan goin on an on about ‘er Christopher an ‘is amazin performance at the WI.  If she spent as much energy on the revolution as she does on gossip, we’d ‘ave stormed the Dower ‘Ouse by now and ‘ad Justin Elliot swingin from a lamppost.

Eddie:  That’s a bit ‘arsh, Clarrie.  Justin might be a bit of a cockwomble but Lilian’s all right.  She’s a big supporter of the cider club and she passed Dad many a free pint at The Bull.

Clarrie:  Huh !  If you say so.  Speakin of drink, were that Fat Paul’s van Oi passed in the lane ?

Eddie:  It were.  ‘E’s brought back Bartleby from the taxidermist - made a lovely job of  ‘is ‘ead.

Clarrie:  So where is it ?  Oi don’t want Emma gettin a fright again, or the kids.

Eddie:  It’s in the back kitchen.  Bartleby will look grand in the cider shed.  Ed’s comin to give me an ‘and to put ‘im up.  Come and ‘ave a look.

(sound of door opening)

Clarrie:  Well, it looks very fine but Oi don’t remember Bartleby ‘avin a squint.

Eddie:  Oi think he must ‘ave seen wot was comin ...

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed.  Ouch!)


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