Episode 128

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

Josh:  Hey, Pip, you’ll never guess what Gran has asked me to organise for this month’s WI meeting.

Pip:  Look, Josh, don’t bother me with your nonsense.  I am far too busy with my child and my rewilding and my cows and all those other things you find so boring.

Josh:  You took the words right out of my mouth.  But you’ll love this.

Pip:  Has it anything to do with lemon drizzle cake ?

Josh:  Don’t be ridiculous.  She wants the Young Farmers at the meeting.

Pip:  Now you’re being ridiculous.  Why would the Young Farmers go to a meeting of crazy old ladies ?  Is she offering cash ?

Josh:  She certainly is - she wants us to do some pole dancing.

Pip:  Pole dancing !  I told you they were crazy.  You’ll never get out alive - remember what happened at The Bull ?  Do you really want to spend a night in the cells ?

Josh:  Gran says this will be different.  There’s no cake involved and Jazzer isn’t invited so it will all be under control.

Pip:  Well I don’t believe a word of it.

Josh:  Look, Dad is always saying we have to diversify to survive in farming and I thought I might get a second career opportunity if it goes well - event management and all that.  We even have a venue here in the weddings barn.

Pip:  Most people set up a bed and breakfast business or go organic or make cheese.

Josh:  God save me from turning into Helen - I’ll take my chance with the old biddies.

🎼. Dum ti dum ti dum ti dum...

(Ed.  That’s the second mention of farming this week - is this a record ?)


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